Have you ever reacted emotionally and felt like you were out of control?

Do you ever feel like your emotions are running you instead of you running your emotions?

Do you feel like you are stuck in the same emotions everyday?

Of course you have because you are human. As emotional creatures, we can't get away from our emotions. Some of us seem to deal with them better than others. Some of us struggle to understand our emotions altogether. But the truth is we all have felt overwhelmed with our emotions and we have felt at our wits end with ourselves.

Now imagine what your life could be like if you were finally able to identify, understand and master your emotions in the moment. As hard as that is to believe, it is not only possible, it is not complicated to achieve. Who's Driving Your Bus is a brilliantly easy method for understanding and managing your emotions.

This is a solution that is not based in theory filled with fluff. It is a method that has been field tested by years of clients who have had tremendous success and continue to grow with the knowledge they have learned.

Jump on the bus and join Lily & Liz for the 72 Hour Challenge and find out what is possible when you are actually driving your bus instead of your bus driving you!

A simple solution to the complex challenge of managing your emotions.

Who's Driving Your Bus books

The 72 Hour Challenge!

Whether you have just finished reading the book or you are just visiting the site and learning more, the 72 Hour Challenge is a major component to achieving success in managing your emotions. MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK first. It’s not about selling the book, it’s about getting real success with the exercise.

Becoming aware of what is going on in your head, how your emotions are affecting you and how often this happens is the foundation to change.